Brain Fog - Causes, Symptoms, Solutions
Jan 18, 2025
he human body needs vitamins for healthy functioning. There are several types of vitamins that get into your body. However, since these vitamins are of different types, your body absorbs them differently, and the purpose they serve is different as well. Vitamins are of two kinds, water-soluble and fat-soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins are those that can easily dissolve in fat. As a result, they can easily be stored in the body for future use. This means your body does not have to get a supply of such vitamins every day.
Fat-soluble vitamins that can be stored in the body may include vitamins D, A, E, and K.The second kind of vitamins is water-soluble vitamins. These are the kind of vitamins that are not stored in the body. The main reason why they are not stored in your body is that they must first be absorbed in water before storage. Water-soluble vitamins are eliminated through the urine. As a result, your body will require a supply of such vitamins every single day. Even in case of taking more than needed, the excess is not stored.
It is a vitamin that serves the following roles.
Vitamin B1 is also called Thiamin. It is sourced from fish, peas, pork, legumes, and liver. It can also be found in whole and fortified grain products like cereals. Another source is enriched products such as pasta, rice, tortillas, and bread. The recommended intake of the vitamin is 1.2 mg/day for a male adult and 1.1 mg/day for a female adult.
Symptoms of thiamin deficiency include wasting, muscle weakness, water retention, mental confusion, and an enlarged heart. People who are prone to deficiency of vitamin B1 are alcoholics and HIV/AIDS patients. However, there is no problem associated with excess consumption of the vitamin.
It is a vitamin that is actively involved in critical cellular and energy production functions in the body. The source for vitamin B3 is various foods that can be obtained from either plant or animals. The recommended intake for Niacin is 14 mg/day for a female adult and 16 mg/day for a male adult.
For this type of vitamin, very few cases of deficiency are realized. Many people eat a balanced diet. However, in the case of deficiency, a disease called Pellagra comes in. Symptoms include digestive issues, skin problems, mental confusion. Excess consumption of Niacin supplements, above 35 mg/day can easily lead to flushed skin, hypotension symptoms, liver damage, and rashes. However, excess consumption through food is not a problem.
Vitamin B12 helps the body through the following ways.
Sources of the vitamin include;
Natural animal origin foods such as eggs, fish, kidney, milk, liver, oysters, shellfish and milk products. Certain fortified foods also do provide Vitamin B12. These are such as nutritional yeast and breakfast cereals. Consumption is recommended at 2.4 mg/day for both adult males and females.
Deficiency is mostly associated with vegans, vegan infants and elderly people. Symptoms of deficiency include neurological changes and anaemia. Other people develop a deficiency for B12 due to the inability of their stomach linings to absorb the vitamin. There are no problems associated with the excessive consumption of the vitamin.
The B2 vitamin functions in the body include;
Vitamin B2 can be obtained from organ meats such as kidney or liver, eggs, milk, whole/enriched grains, and deep green vegetables. Since ultraviolet lights destroy vitamin B2, milk is packaged in opaque materials. The recommended intake for Riboflavin is 1.1 g/day for female adults and 1.3 mg/day for male adults.
Under consumption of the vitamin can bring certain symptoms which include skin disorders, hair loss, cataracts, red and itchy eyes and reproductive problems.No problems associated with excessive consumption of the vitamin.
Vitamin B6 is vital in the body and assists in the following ways.
Sources of vitamin B6 include organ meats, fish, starchy vegetables, fortified cereals, whole grains and legumes. The recommended intake for the vitamin is 1.3 mg/day for both adult females and males. For people over the age of fifty, it should be 1.5 mg/day for females and 1.7 mg/day for males. Excess intake of this vitamin is not common, but it has been known to cause nerve damage. The highest limit for consumption of vitamin B6 should be 100 mg/day for an adult.
Deficiency for B6 can cause several symptoms. These symptoms include problems with acute hearing, weakness in immune function, anaemia, confusion, depression, swollen tongue, peripheral neuropathy, and dermatitis.
Its functions in the body include;
The source of the vitamin is all animal and plants based foods that have pantothenic acid. It is also available in high quantities in kidney, seeds, meats, liver, and breakfast cereals. Low intake of the vitamin is uncommon since it is available in many foods. Too much consumption is known as Pantothenic and causes gastrointestinal problems and diarrhoea. The recommended intake for this vitamin is 5 mg/day for both females and males.