Brain Fog - Causes, Symptoms, Solutions
Jan 18, 2025
oes long term use of dietary supplements such as whey protein or BCAA cause any harm? - A tricky question that has often haunted our minds. The answer for which is never a straight forward “Yes” or “No”. The reason here is very simple - all dietary supplements in the market are created with a specific purpose and they do not always have the same effect in every individual. Hence, there is no conclusive answer to this question. However, it is always said that the intake of the protein supplements above the recommended dietary allowance will always cause adverse effects. So, do you think that intake of protein supplements within the recommended allowance will not cause adverse effects? Come, let us understand clearly to have no more doubts lingering in our minds.
As a layman, it becomes important for us to actually understand protein supplements properly. We know what the daily recommended dose is and what is type of supplements that we should take in. The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So, you can make your own calculations based on this. I would like to inform you that this reference is for those who have a sedentary lifestyle and for those who have an active lifestyle (professional athletes to sports and fitness enthusiasts), the DRI is between 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Consumption of protein supplements alone cannot cause any harmful effects unless there is an excessive intake of natural proteins combined with the supplements. In most cases, the adverse effects are seen in those who do not follow a proper dietary regime and fitness schedule. Also, a sudden change in the dietary pattern can cause discomfort to an individual, and therefore it is suggested that one consult a doctor/physician/fitness expert before starting any diet or fitness regime. Please do not be a self-prescribed doctor.