Top Five Minerals You Should Not Ignore
inerals are the elements that are found abundant on earth. Although minerals are mined out and used for various industrial and ornamental purposes, they are also found in food in small amounts. These minerals are caught up by the trees from the soil and given to us through food. These minerals are helpful in the day-to-day metabolism of the body. Vitamins and minerals are both vital for human health; however, the quantity of minerals essential in our diet is very low. Some of the minerals available in food are as follows.
- Calcium
- Phosphorous
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Chloride
- Magnesium
- Iron
- Zinc
- Iodine
- Chromium
- Copper
- Fluoride
- Molybdenum
- Manganese
And a lot more.
Top 5 minerals you should not ignore
Although many minerals are available in our food, there are major five minerals that are essential to be part of a healthy diet that no one should avoid. Any deficiency in these minerals can cause serious health-related issues in our bodies.
Calcium is responsible for healthy and strong teeth and bones. Besides strengthening bones and teeth, muscles, and nerves will also work properly with sufficient amounts of calcium in your diet. It is claimed that calcium, when added with Vitamin D, may prevent diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. The most significant source of calcium is milk and milk products. Canned fish and broccoli can also contribute a minimal amount of calcium.
- Sodium and Potassium
Unlike other minerals, sodium and potassium share some health benefits and have some interrelationships between them. For instance, both sodium and potassium are needed for proper fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. The compensatory nature between the two can be explained by the fact that consuming more sodium causes high blood pressure, while increased potassium intake will decrease the blood pressure. Similarly, consuming more sodium and less potassium increases the risk of various cardiovascular diseases. Since lower blood pressure reduces the risk of heart disease, it is recommended to take small amounts of sodium and a high amount of potassium in your diet. The main source of sodium is table salt, and it is present in little amounts in milk, bread, and vegetables. Potassium can be found in meat, milk, whole grains, and legumes.
- Phosphorous
Phosphorous is the second most abundant mineral in the human body. It is present in every cell of the human body. It is responsible for the formation of bones and teeth. It also plays a vital role in the storage and usage of energy. The movement of muscles and pain relief after heavy movement or an exercise is done with the help of phosphorous. It helps in excreting the wastes from the body. It also grows, maintains, and repairs tissue and cells in the body. Having a high or low amount of phosphorous can cause various diseases like heart disease. Phosphorous is usually found in the human body and can also be taken from food such as meat, fish, milk, and eggs.
Magnesium is an important mineral that should not be avoided since it is responsible for hundreds of biological reactions inside the body. One of these reactions is protein synthesis. Magnesium is also responsible for the functioning of muscles and nerves, blood pressure, and glucose control. The main contributor to energy production in the body is magnesium. It is also part of the structural formation of bones and is required for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. It can be found in nuts and seeds, green vegetables, leaves, seafood, chocolate, and also sometimes in the drinking water.